Install Guide
At Paitson Bros. we know that the decision to purchase new heating and air conditioning equipment can be an intimidating and confusing process. We know that most home and business owners only make this decision a handful of times in their lives, if ever. This guide is designed to walk you through this process step by step. We want to make the decision to work with us as easy as possible.

Our Signature Guarantee
You’ll love the equipment we install in your home. If we say it will save money, operate quieter, add comfort, and be more reliable – it will be. You’ll love the people you interact with in our company. From the comfort advisor, to the installing technicians, to the back office dispatching and accounting staff, to the technicians that provide ongoing service and maintenance – you’ll know that they all believe in the Paitson promise. You’ll love the price you’ve paid. When taking the whole experience into account – the sale, the installation, the follow-up, the added energy savings and comfort of your new system, all of it – you’ll know that you’ve made the best possible value choice for your money.